Over decades of experience I've distilled our Core Services down to Web-Creation in partnership with WIX STUDIO + Consulting for Business or Personal Growth.
Explore our Process, Plans, Services, and Network >
The Process
However you're looking to grow, chances are I've worked on something similar... Read what clients are saying.
My 3-step proprietary process is that of an engineer >
We bring Awareness to the growth-vision and the variables available to create it.
We Anticipate and create a unique-to-you strategy that outlines our growth-path.
We Grow through a proven, actionable process that takes visions into reality.
Explore our Core Plans and all Services >
Our 3 Core Service Plans >
Additional Services
Our expertise runs deep. Access guidance + contacts for all services in our Core Plans, view our network below, and Contact me to explore specific services and find the fit.
Supporting creative vision, research and development, variable organization for strategic roadmapping, social listening, mathematics, launches, growth and organization - to create a path forward.
Business Development
Helping grow projects with strategic partnerships, investment development, sales and marketing services, legal and financial strategies, management and operations abilities.
We've built 100+ sites and apps. From web design and development for mobile and web apps, SEO implementation and strategies, and content architecture, to design, UI/UX, product launches, and features roll-out and tech-road-map strategies and development.
Tailored deliverables unique to your vision that connect your project with it's target audience:
Brand and target audience development, communications design
Social media, email, digital marketing, and media
Online and offline festivals, retreats, product launches, to small intimate events
Personal Growth
The same creative process used to help 100s of businesses, combined with 15+ years experience in numerous areas of personal growth that I've used to realize my own vision - I offer 1:1 guidance to help select, aligned individuals achieve the same. To help you make yourself your own leader, able to create + grow your vision into a whole new life.
Gain insights from proprietary comprehensive assessments and daily practice reprogramming tools as you explore and upgrade your mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical practices that are creating your current reality, and your future.
When we design + implement your unique plan, supported by proprietary daily practice and programming tools and my decades experience, you'll evolve into feeling more clear, empowered, refreshed, with new hope - we'll literally create a new, healthier, more impassioned version of you.
It's a proven process. As life evolves through us, we can co-evolve it. I know how to help you, you just need to say yes.
Service Plans
I manage business and life services similarly, as they involve a similar process: Define a vision, Design a plan, then Deliver it, together.
If you're truly ready to start but can't afford the pricing, let me know what works. In rare cases I reduce rates or work for equity / rev-share. I like to help those ready for positive change.
Explore Plans, Contact me or Apply Today.